2024 Grand County voter survey

In order to make good decisions, elected officials and candidates need to hear from voters. Not everyone has time to attend public hearings or write letters, so we have set up this survey to collect opinions from a wider range of Grand County residents.

This survey is a collaboration of Jacques Hadler, Trisha Hedin, Ashley Korenblat, Jason Ramsdell, and others.

Your name and survey responses will be kept strictly private.

Thanks for participating!

Are you registered to vote in Grand County?

We ask because we want to give more weight to responses from actual Grand County voters. But anyone is welcome to fill out the survey.

Hi – I'm John Smith and I'm running for County Commission.

In order to make good decisions, elected officials and candidates need to hear from voters. Not everyone has time to attend public hearings or write letters, so we have set up this survey to collect opinions from a wider range of Grand County residents.

I'm collaborating on this survey with Jacques Hadler, Trisha Hedin, Ashley Korenblat, Jason Ramsdell, and others.

Your name and survey responses will be kept strictly private.

Thanks for participating!

Hi – I'm Jacques Hadler and I'm running for County Commission.

In order to make good decisions, elected officials and candidates need to hear from voters. Not everyone has time to attend public hearings or write letters, so we have set up this survey to collect opinions from a wider range of Grand County residents.

I'm collaborating on this survey with Trisha Hedin, Ashley Korenblat, Jason Ramsdell, and others.

Your name and survey responses will be kept strictly private.

Thanks for participating!

Hi – I'm Trisha Hedin and I'm running for County Commission.

In order to make good decisions, elected officials and candidates need to hear from voters. Not everyone has time to attend public hearings or write letters, so we have set up this survey to collect opinions from a wider range of Grand County residents.

I'm collaborating on this survey with Jacques Hadler, Ashley Korenblat, Jason Ramsdell, and others.

Your name and survey responses will be kept strictly private.

Thanks for participating!

Hi – I'm Ashley Korenblat and I'm running for County Commission.

In order to make good decisions, elected officials and candidates need to hear from voters. Not everyone has time to attend public hearings or write letters, so we have set up this survey to collect opinions from a wider range of Grand County residents.

I'm collaborating on this survey with Jacques Hadler, Trisha Hedin, Jason Ramsdell, and others.

Your name and survey responses will be kept strictly private.

Thanks for participating!

Hi – I'm Jason Ramsdell and I'm running for County Commission.

In order to make good decisions, elected officials and candidates need to hear from voters. Not everyone has time to attend public hearings or write letters, so we have set up this survey to collect opinions from a wider range of Grand County residents.

I'm collaborating on this survey with Jacques Hadler, Trisha Hedin, Ashley Korenblat, and others.

Your name and survey responses will be kept strictly private.

Thanks for participating!

Please use the search box to locate your name in the list of Grand County voters. The voter list is supplied by the Grand County Clerk. (If you prefer to take the survey anonymously, click the "anonymous" button below. Giving your name helps us weed out spammy answers and ensure that the survey is not being gamed.)
Search: (voter list not loaded)


(This can happen if you have registered recently, or if there is an alternate version of your name.)

(Anonymous reponses are welcome, but non-anonymous reponses will be given more weight.)

If you live in Grand County and would like to register, visit vote.utah.gov or the Grand County voter registration page. Feel free to fill out the survey regardless of your voter registration status.

All answers are optional! Answer only the questions you want to.

On a scale of 0 to 5, please indicate your agreement/disagreement with the following statements, with 5 indicating strong agreement, 0 indicating strong disagreement, and 1-4 indicating intermediate degrees of agreement/disagreement.

We should use local land use code to encourage the construction of workforce and affordable housing, instead of second homes and high-end housing.
We should let the market decide what sorts of housing gets built, with no government interference.
We should increase allowed density in all residential areas, to encourage as much new housing as possible.
We should increase allowed density in areas closest to town and major roads, and not increase density in more rural residential areas (such as southern Spanish Valley).
We should try to increase the number of tourists visiting Moab, to boost our economy.
We should manage tourism with the goal of decreasing negative effects on quality of life for residents.
We should allow more tourist lodging to be built (hotels, RV parks, short-term rental condos), in order to boost our economy.
We should promote non-tourism businesses, in order to diversify our economy and become less dependent on tourism.
We should increase the use of tourism taxes to mitigate tourism impacts, so that Grand County residents don't foot the bill for these costs.
We should increase the use of tourism taxes for promotional advertising, in order to attract more visitors to Grand County.
We should protect the public lands which surround us from further development, so that future generations will be able to enjoy them as we do now.
We should encourage development (oil, gas, lithium, potash) on public lands to diversify and boost our economy.
We should be cautious about pumping too much water from our aquifer, in order to avoid water shortages in the future.
We should avoid being over-cautious about preserving our aquifer, in order to promote future growth and development.
We should use all tools available to reduce noise from UTVs in neighborhoods.
We should use local land use code to discourage or phase out UTV rental businesses.
We should use local land use code to encourage or increase UTV rental businesses.
How would you describe your political views?
Where do you get your local news? (Select all that apply.)
In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges facing Grand County over the next two years?
In your opinion, what are the biggest opportunities for Grand County over the next two years?
What are some issues that you think elected officials (City Council and County Commission) are not paying enough attention to?
Anything else you want to add?